South Portugal, Portuguese map with relief and base design not South of Portugal, precisely in the Alentejo region.
Or map with 21 fields.
23 Products: Wheat, Cevada, Aveia, Algodão, Canola, Girassol, Soy, Milho, Batatas, Beterraba, Rabanete japonês, Choupo, Erva, Cana-de-açucar, hops, ervilha, azeitona, amendoas, amendoim, white grapes, grapes inks, cafe e trevo
14 Sales Points strategically placed for the maximum benefit of the map so that they also have the possibility of purchasing products such as Fertilizer and seeds.
1 Purchase point for lime
1 Product transformation factory
It also has you animais, Vacas, Porcos, Ovelhas and Galinhas em espaço aberto.
The fifth is equipped with a large grain silo, bale storage and 3 silos for fertilizer, seed and lime.