Schmitz SKI 24 Trailer V 1.3 Farbwahl
Today I release my Schmitz Cargobull 34m³ SKI 24 tipper Stahlmulde.
Please remember:
It is a BETA and I hope with your constructive criticism to make the most of this mod out!
Model: Illuminated (up to a balcony and tires SCS)
AO & texture: Illuminated (up to a balcony and tires SCS)
Tris: 57024
VRAM: 12:59 MB
Built-up scripts:
PlayStandAnim & toggleAnimatedParts
Have fun while testing and playing!
In the V1 Planned:
Improved Plane
Improved particle system
Plane to cover the trough
Version 1.3 Farbwahl
Klappenhaken hat nun eine Textur Kipper Rutscht nun nicht mehr, oder schmeisst die Zugmaschine um
Version 1.2 mit Farbwahl
Fahrverhalten angepasst Fruiteypes hinzugefügt XML angepasst