Welcome to Chellington which is an area in Bedfordshire. The map is fictional containing 20 fields including arable, livestock and a few grass fields, however ten of these are owned.
Petorious gave me permission to remake the old chellington map from Fs 2011 and 13 which was a classic in my own style… a big thank you to him!!
Across the river from the main farm, crop, bga, egg and wool sell points can be found.
I made this map to be very detailed!! so it will probably only run smooth on medium-high spec computers.
This map features animated class 42 train travelling across map and plenty of things to see as you farm
Hope you enjoy the map.
REQUIRED MODS to work correctly
Marshall pack:
1. Runs on dictated servers now.
2. Smoothed out field 1 a bit near road edge so harvesters headers don’t get stuck
3. Tidied the yard a bit and removed some floating objects.
4. Bridge road is now same size as road connecting to it
5. Couple clumps of weeds in field 17 removed
6. flickering texture by farm gate removed
7. Buyable fields all fixed
8. Cars stopping on road by tunnel sometimes made a few tweaks here
10 Collison’s on gates now fixed
12. the mud around gateway in field 6 and cowshed have been reduced a bit.
Please don’t upload this map to any other site without my permission