AdvancedFillAutoAimTargetNode V 1.1 mod
I have written this script because it bothered me that the pipe leibt of the choppers still in one place b despite the new dynamic tilt of Giants.
With this script, the FillAutoAimTargetNode shifts depending on the level to a more “realistic” to produce filling.
Sorry, the script default values. There is also the potential customize each trailer.
Only you must enter the following line in the trailer and adjust xml:
To explain the values:
-DistanceFront Means as far to the front of the trailer loaded wird.-distance means how far back behind the trailer is loaded.
-DistanceSide Means how far the left and right trailer is loaded.
The starting point is the original position of the FillAutoAimTargetNode (usually the middle of the trailer)
The zip file copy into the Modsordner.
Version 1.0
Brought -The mod to run
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