FS 22 Other

AutoDrive Course Dürrenroth v0.0.0.1 LS 22

Good bye,
here is my route network for the Map Dürrenroth by Farming Dud’s (DUERRENROTH MAP).
To break in, I used the ingame editor and the AutoDrive Course Editor.
The map and the route network are designed for medium-sized vehicles.
Please let me know if it’s not 100% correct at one point so I can correct it.
(just via Discord to 3lg1zzm0)

The following is broken in:
(almost) all outlets
(almost) all shopping points
All fields
and other little things too

Field edge courses are not (yet) available!!!

Abbreviations at the destinations:
[DH] = Dud’s yard
[LH] = Lohner Hof
[MH] = middle courtyard
[BH] = Berghof
P = parking lot
H = temporary stopping place
RW = reverse parking lot
< = unloading point
> = loading point
</> = Loading and unloading point
(IMPORTANT: for loading/unloading points without a < or >, manual tipping is required!!!)


3l G1zzm0 (3lg1zzm0 auf Discord)

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