Bergbjornhof Map V 1.1
It is here converted from an original standard map, this is my first map.
What has been done:
There are now 4 yards (chicken with agriculture, dairy farming with pigs, sheep farming with cattle fattening pig and Cultivation)
any court can store grain, has a job board, digital display for cereals
Wassermod, digital displays, mast installations of Marhu and team have been installed
To sell Fleischer building inserted by’d like farmer for fattening
Deko inserted near the forest of blubber73
BGA bit redesigned
Made timber sales trigger larger, so that the drive through the wood is sold
Postponed cow and sheep pasture
2 of the 4 farms were completely reassembled, 2 mountain farms, main courtyard bit reduced
Added 4 new fields and planted, it was in the beginning already in possession
old sheep pasture was now meadow
Required Mods:
It is a cattle trailer needed so you can drive the slaughtering beef cattle to the slaughter.
Map: Urmodder Giants
Mast systems, digital displays, Wassermod: Marhu and team
Deko Forest: blubber73
Fleischer building:’d like bauer
A special thanks to the modders whose objects could I block.
!!! It is not allowed to upload the map again, to publish with another download link or posting on other websites without my permission. !!!
Have fun playing
Version 1.1
Neuerungen in der V1.1 -Hühnermast und Güllelager eingefügt -Waldtiere auf der Karte platziert -Hackschnitzellager am Biomasseheizkraftwerke eingefügt -Feuerwehr, Spasskasse, Gasthaus verbaut -Metzgerei eingfügt mit Verkaufstrigger für Tiere -einen alten Stall eingefügt -Unterstand, und eine andere Lagerhalle für Rüben, Kartoffeln und Hackschnitzel verbaut, damit alles mit dem Förderband entnommen werden kann. -einige Felder wurden geteilt, sind auch paar neue Felder dazugekommen. -Elchgehege wurde gebaut, dort kann man Gras verkaufen -Haupthof hat nun Schweinemast dabei