Broshuis Low Loader Trailer V 1.4
Hello everyone
Exclusive only at Modhoster & L33T – Community
Here is the link to my youtube channel:
L33T community
The Broshuis low loader V1.0
Attached stantions
Marker lights
Brake lights, turn signals, hazard lights
New spring system Textured
AO TexturiertVRAM: 5,79MB
Polycount: 14951 polygon
Price: € 90,194
Model: SCS / Illuminated
AO / texture: Illuminated
L33T – Community
Features: attacher (to fix vehicles, bales & Co)
Keyboard shortcuts: Ramps Up & Down – XAttacher solid / Resolved – O
Version 1.4
Fahreigenschaft an Patch 1.3 Angepasst Federn Zittern nun nicht mehr Attacher Points verschoben
Version 1.3
Fahrverhalten angepasst Attacher Justiert XML Gesäubert