Building Set V 1.0 Final For FS 2015
As some of you may have already seen on FB that I am leaving the modding scene (if not, here’s my FB page), I still have a farewell ModPack set of mods that I have not yet published to the public.
The pack contains various buildings with or without functions and Krpan winch. Functions contained in the building are still in FS13 format, so you have to rewrite them to FS15. Winch is already completelly imported in GE and contains all LS15 textures with it (even with standard FS15 dirt). I have no idea how to go with .lua scripting so I pass it on to you, maybe someone can figure out how to attach trees. And for those that only look the pictures
Version 1.0 Final
Nachdem mich mehrere user gebeten haben ist hier nun auch eine version für LS13 … jetzt kannt ihr alle gebaude mit GE 5.5.2 öffnen.