
Case IH Magnum CVX Tractor Pack V 1.4

Case IH Magnum CVX Tractor Pack V 1.4

Included in the pack are:
Magnum 235cvx, 260cvx, 290cvx,
315cvx, 340cvx, 370cvx and 380cvx.
Case IH AFS 372 GPS antenna
Original engine sounds from the FPT 8.7 liter displacement
Train Horn Sound +
Michelin Man
Front weight was removed
50km / h
All models have different wheel widths and tire marks were adjusted.

I wish you the Case IH Magnum CVX pack a lot of joy in playing and I personally look forward when the pack is expanded with various changes and modifications to make the game Farming Simulator even more exciting.

Giants, KDH-Agrostar

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