Grande Brenne V 1.0 FS2015
After reissued Hagenstedt ( BELLEVUE ) on FS2013 I’m back with a map completely edited by me. This is a repoduite map on the basis of an actual area . This one is located in Brenne in central France. This card has the basic features and the multifruit (oats and sunflower) , lime , slurry , manure , field angles , water and chopped straw mod . It there are plenty of details and some design elements that you will not find on other cards. I hope it will be as successful as my previous card and you ‘ll find your happiness .
bonjour je vous ecrit aujourd’huit car je ne trouve pas le stock de paille ni d’herbe merci de me repondre au plus vite
les champs 10 ,11,12 sont reliés et même en achetant que le 10,il est possible de semer le 11