Green River in 2016
Welcome to the Green River Map 2016th
Here you can be a farmer who wants to be able to seed and harvest more than 160 acres of fields! Or you can go and plant trees and be a lumberjack There is a quite large Forest!
I wish al of you a good time in the Green River Map 2016 Enjoy! Kind Regards, Richard / NLD Farmers
What can you find in the map;
Main farm with cows, sheeps, Chickens
Pig, Beef, Chicken and Fattening Fattening Goose
Biogass Facility
Contracter where you can therefore store your grains.
Vehicle shop.
Multiple Farm Shops, The Balloon Tree, Blacker Hall, and where you can sell your Drewtons Crops Wool and Eggs.
The Butcher where you can sell, pig, beef, goose and chicken.
Allgreen Energy where you can store and sell woodchips.
Milk Factory (no function).
Sawmill where you can sell your trees.
Garde shop where you can sell grass, Manue and Liquid Manure.
A large forestry area.
More than 160 acres of fields!
Wheat, Barely, Canola, Corn, Potatoes, Sugar Beets,
Required mods:
Kotte Universal Pack tank:
ChoppedStraw V 15.0.05:
Fliegl Livestock Pack :
NLD Farmers By Richard, Giants, CebuljCek, Mythic modding, Mike, bluebaby210, Vertexdezign, Katsuo, Dutch Agricultural Modelling, steffen30Muc, Buschi,
Xentro, Fatian, chris1988, Eifok team Glower15, ReFFarmer, Fatian, Marhu, Luxfarm, Steffen30muc, Nick98.1, Niggels, rafftnix, BM modding, Vertex Design,
fruktor, fendt2000, MadMax, Swiftpaw, Marhu, Farmer_Andy, RC-Devil, mkausen, Farmer_Andy, Farming Place, bluebaby210, manni_112, SoftFOX, Xentro, polygon A,
And all the rest of the modders i did not have Mentioned, but i used object from.
A thank you for testing to,
Jordy, Dirk, Sven, Mark, Dennis.
I would like to thank al the modders for using Their objects, buildings, textures ..
I hope i do not forget someone in my credits, if i forgot you let me know and I will add you to the credits.