Holzpelletsautomat Object V 1.5
today comes from me a little extension for my factory!
The Palletsautomat manufactures wood pellets from wood chips quickly and easily! The pellets can sell a Profit to the factory!
But why spend the extra money and purchase only produced from the wood chips pellets? Quite simply you get from the factory 25% more money than the thermal power station !!! If that does not even worth;)
What do you need for this:
1. Factory for fertilizer feed Diesel V1.5
2. UPK from version 0.9.3 of mor2000
3. Supports a supporter of the pellets -> included in package !!!
Very important -> The system must always only previously Powered otherwise they produced nothing!
Version 1.5
Neue Modelle; Lagerstelle inbegriffen; neue LKW Ladestelle; an der LKW Ladestelle kann man jetzt auch schaufeln befüllen;