FS 17 Others

Inside Camera Zoom v1.0 FS19

Inside Camera Zoom allows you to zoom the camera in and out while inside a vehicle using your mouse scroll wheel, just like you would on an outside camera. Looking at that distant corner of the field, or at that small gauge on the dashboard, is now only a scroll away. Clicking the middle mouse button will reset the zoom level (Field of View) back to default.
The ‘Reset Vehicle Camera’ game setting, if enabled, also resets the view back to default when you switch vehicles.

Modders can use two optional new parameters, ‘fovMin’ and ‘fovMax’ on an inside camera to control the upper and lower FOV limits, with a default range of 10-100 degrees. A new console command ‘pfToggleInsideVehicleCameraDebug’ can help you finetune those values, by displaying the current FOV for the camera.

Paint-a-Farm | Kim Brandwijk

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What is this FS19 mods, FS22 mods use for

We offer mods for Farming Simulator 19 / Farming Simulator 22 game versions. This is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair FS19 vehicles / FS22 vehicles mods. But what if there is not enough features for your game and you want to improve Farming Simulator 19 / Farming Simulator 22? Just browse in our Farming Simulator 19 mods / Farming Simulator 2022 mods categories and download free Farming Simulator 2019 mods / Farming Simulator 22 mods that will ease your game.

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