A large, very beautiful Russian map – Janov valley update on 05/04/2016
Based on the real terrain
Farm for art, for animals and crops
12 large-sized field
Buildings architecture (church, community center, department store)
The company “Agro – Food”
Traffic cars, pedestrians
small river
Road asphalt and dirt, swamp
Quarry gravel, sand
There are some plants: brewery, dairy, sawmill and cement
It is possible to transport sand, cement, gravel, concrete, board, beer, milk, fruit, fish
Culture: standard + sunflower, soybeans, rye, oats
Pets: standard + calves, lambs, pigs, geese, rabbits, broilers
And much more
Update History:
02/15/2016 -> 03/01/2016 -> 09/03/2016 -> 21/03/2016 -> 28/03/2016 -> 05/04/2016 -> 10/05/2016 -> 14/05/2016 -> 17/05/2016 -> 22/05/2016 -> -06.06.2016
(Added meat new stacks, storage crops on a small basis, new features garages and adjusted selling point!)