Fahr- und Bremsverhalten angepasst.
Hydraulik überarbeitet. Fährt man ganz runter hebt der Arm die Vorderräder nicht mehr aus.
Geschwindigkeit der Hydraulik erhöht. Der Arm fährt nun schneller rauf und runter
The second Wheelloader with All-Wheel-Steering from LSModding.
This time the JCB 435s was fitted with an All-Wheel-Steering instead of the articulated axis.
The steering modes are switched with CTRL+z and as follows:
Crabsteering left
Crabsteering right.
The Back-Wheel-Steering is unfortunately not displayed correctly in the Help Menu, however it works correctly. As soon as i got a solution i will post an update.
Now with Dual Wheel Setups included for front, back and front&back.
Also added are two more engine configurations:
Standard with 242bhp
Supercharged with 310bhp
Supercharged Plus with 335bhp