Fixed model issue with Luffing Jib
Corrected collision issue with weight lifting tool
Corrected folding text for weight lifting tool
Updated color of the lifting straps
Fixed T3 Adapter not attaching to T3 boom
Corrected a few minor errors
Added outrigger matts to the accessories pack: four sizes. (2 & 3 Axle, 4 & 5 Axle, 6 & 7 Axle, 8 & 9 Axle)
Added more Colors
Added 10 ft Shipping Container for storage of crane parts (attaches to Reitnouer Trailer v1.1.0.2)
Added a lift sling box that can be carried into the Shipping Container
This is a pack that contains items to help with Liebherr Cranes:
Liebherr Weight Tool
4 Person Basket
Pulley Cart (to help with luffing and hydraulic jibs)
Lattice Sections which can be individually attached or lifted as a load. The 12m NI and NM sections will go into the next larger section as will the 6m sections
Available Lattice Sections:
T7 Adapter
T3 Adapter
T3 Head
6m NA Lattice with Eccentric (for y-guy system)
Hydraulic Jib
6m NA Lattice
12m NA Lattice
NA to NM Reducer/Adapter
6m NM Lattice
12m NM Lattice
NM Head
NM to NI Reducer/Adapter
6m NI Lattice
12m NI Lattice
NI head