Added New No Cab version
Version without cabin compatible with the Kubota DLC ( Passenger )
Added New varied wheels options
Added mirror animation
Added New design color and wheel combinations (gray with orange and purple with black)
Added flags of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, USA, Germany, France and Argentina
Improved the internal camera viewing angle
Added new design options
Added Rear Whistle option
Added Giroflex option.
Mahindra 86 110 P Cabined:
Power: 110 HP
Price: 25000 $
Speed limit: 43 kph
Rim Color Options
Main color options
Wheel Settings
Design Settings
Animated doors
Mahindra 86 110 P Hood
Power: 110 HP
Price: 20000 $
Speed limit: 43 kph
Rim Color Options
Main color options
Wheel Settings
Design Settings