Misch Station v3.2.0 for LS 2015
fix ForageTrigger effect
add Futtermischwaggen Support
The mixing station can just be prepared as a mixer feeders, feed for the cows.
But in larger quantities, because you can fill them with full trailer loads.
The 3 storage silos must be filled with silage, hay u. Straw (depending 50t) then per hour produces 10t compound feed to the mixing container is full, this summarizes 100t compound feed, which can be picked up with a hanger and fed it to the cows.
The 3 silos have analog level indicators, in addition the exact levels appears when cabinet in the help text.
The signal lamp shows:
Red flashing = a silo is empty
Flashing yellow = mixing tank full
Green = everything is fine (it is produced)
Thus one does not have to constantly go to check there is a message system in the manner of a “live ticker”
displaying messages on the top of the screen.
For withdrawing mixed feed a matching trailer is required, which can invite forage.
Z.z. can no support be given to MP DS CP MR.
realmente excelente equipamento, como trabalho na pecuária, tenho 6 dessas maquinas que alimentam 2.000 cabeças tranquilamente.
o veiculo é que foi difícil ser encontrado, demorei semanas para encontrar um que fosse adequado para retirar o alimento. vocês poderia mudar isso para os desavisados ao adaptarem a saída de alimento as maquinas do FS15.
forte abraço a todos, e estão de parabéns pelo trabalho voltado a pecuária, o que é raríssimo em questão de mod.
Hi lads. :)
I found a Trailer that can be used for unload the outcome of the feed-mixer. :)
U can use this type “Joskin Trans Space 8000 23 Tridem MultiFruit Mod V 1.0”
Marhu ,Please convert or make a FS17 version of this