– complete rebuild of script
– changed method of counting mth (mth – in Polish: “motogodzina”; dependence on the current engine’s rpm, nominal rpm (or maximum in the absence of this data) and the scale of time in the game, not on driving speed))
– added HUD which shows current amount of mth
– sightly changed name – mthCounter (before: motohoursCounter)
– additional script: indoorAnalogOTHud.lua which adds analog operating time counter (complementing the basic indoorHud)
This basic specialization script allows to add animated analog mth (mth – from Polish: “motogodzina”) counter for vehicle from mods.
Archive contains:
– mthCounter.lua and indoorAnalogOTHud.lua scripts
– readme (open in notepad).xml file with installation manual in Polish, English and German language version
– i3d with sample counter model (6 separated segments)
Unpack downloaded archive.