Murnau Map V 2.1 Bug Fix FS 15
Version 2.1 Bug Fix
Texturfehler wurde behoben; Wolle kann nun am Sägewerk verkauft werden; Holzlatten-Paletten aus Sägewerk können nun auch am Sägewerk verkauft werden
Hello there,
today is the day! I finally publish my Map Murnau on Staffelsee!
You take a small courtyard with still quite old technology. In addition, they have where you can graze your sheep against short a share at the local pig bought.
It is a rather small map with even one or two small errors. I’m already on it to fix these and V2 will follow soon. Please have understanding for it based on the review.
The Map provides:
21 Fields and meadows
2 small forest areas
1 point of sale
Sawmill with Kraftwwerk
Pig without functions
Purchasable fields
wunderschnöne Alps
Faultless LOG small up to 3 texture error
Chopped Straw
Required Mods:
Changes in V2:
Revise and adapt PDA
Repair the 3 texture LOG error
Create Vehicle Reset Point
Changes to the landscape