This Is My 388 Peterbilt Flatbed I have been building on for 4 weeks started with a day cab plain jane truck I used parts from 5 other trucks to make this build Log text is free any errors This build came to mind as A truck driver for 17 years myself I love trucks and was staring at this ugly day cab truck and thought this truck has potential to be a great truck and there the idea came to built it a flatbed such as one might see OTR (over the road ) Hot shot trucker one id want to drive this is what I have came up with
Flatbed haul’s up to 43 bales depending on stacking
It has tension straps and yes it may have more than needed but damn You dont use all just cause they are there its to have better placement on differant loads
look of custom chrome work added
custum lighting
lighting peterbilt tag on rear
blue purple dash lights with lighted sleeper area
full run light set under cab & sleeper and continued down bed side
full chrome stripe under cab & sleeper & chrome continued down bed
custom painted fuel tanks & extra two added as steps realistly batteried moved to side box
side boxs added
lighted across front bumperHas trailer attacher
NOTE : Trailer seen In Pics Coming soon It was built off the truck to match it and to have as a full unit its
preetty much got one issue Im trying to work out then it will be released
Have fun with it iv had fun building it