So it is so far and my pack for the pig feed production I provide to you.There are three buildings to be installed with ge.
The first building needs water, diesel, potatoes, pallette Edition: once loose potato loose and once on pallette compost
In the second building you can loose the washed potatoes or put on pallet water and the same needs the building
And now to the main house of the production here you supply the the cooked potatoes and grain sunflower, rape, soybean corn and sugar beet and get once pork-free and on pallette what you can give the pigs
These three buildings must be installed with the Ge.
In all the packs is the file in it you need.
Then there are still entries for the door at the kartoffelwaschaus to go to find in pack animatedObjects.xml
There will be no passable pack as some settings do not go with the factory script.
If you need help, please feel free to contact us.