In the course of development of the Universalprocesskit mods and new opportunities, as well as other ideas for better handling ingame, the silage hight silo were further developed by me. The ensiling now works clean. The following new features have been incorporated:
* optical level indicator
* Straw (straw) processing – but> this will cost some money there to silage is fed.
* Display which can be fille
* Display on charging trigger when silage is removed (silage label appears)
* With available space in the silo can now be dumped silage
* Reduced time to produce silage – is now only about 5 hours (This works real and continuously now – thanks to mor2000 for the help it …)
* Assignment to UPK factories in the shop area, required UPK version> 0.9.8, otherwise under brands -> t2k_modding