FS 22 Objects

Princess Moo Dairy Factory v1.4.0.0 Mod

This Dairy will transform cow milk, goat milk and some of your crops into dairy products and vegetarian dairy products.

Removed empty pallets from the store, already found in the orchards mod;
Added turkish translation.

Adding carton tools or paper rolls (Platinum DLC) and empty pallets (can be bought from store or made with one of my empty pallets production) will boost your productivity.

Will work on any map even without Platinum DLC, just that the missing fillTypes will generate some log warnings.
There is no need for a selling point, because all the products can be sold on the map.
Most of the ingredients can’t be bought via production menu for realism.
Cocoa powder, koji mold and cooking salt is also buyable from store (currently not produced by any mods)
Princess Moo Dairy Factory – 250000, daily Upkeep – 300

Buyable Pallets:
Cocoa Powder pallet – 2000
Cooking Salt pallet – 1000
Koji mold patties pallet – 1500

Milk Carton
Chocolate Milk
Sour Cream
White Chocolate
Ice Cream
Soy milk
Oat milk
Soy Sauce
Input storage: 50000 – 150000 liters, output storage: 50000 liters.
Several translation included for the new products.
Special thanks to Black_Dragon23 (building)

Jinkou89 Black_Dragon23

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What is this FS19 mods, FS22 mods use for

We offer mods for Farming Simulator 19 / Farming Simulator 22 game versions. This is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair FS19 vehicles / FS22 vehicles mods. But what if there is not enough features for your game and you want to improve Farming Simulator 19 / Farming Simulator 22? Just browse in our Farming Simulator 19 mods / Farming Simulator 2022 mods categories and download free Farming Simulator 2019 mods / Farming Simulator 22 mods that will ease your game.

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