The SG40 is a medical group tent which is for use in larger fire and civil protection assistance interventions. be used can, for example, as a mobile emergency room, dining room and lounge or as a warehouse, where the possibilities are even more versatile, such as seating at a party.
Since I worked for several years in the civil protection, for I these tents very closely and have them safely up 100 times. The company Lanco manufactures various kinds of these tents, so my idea was born.
The tent can be placed and costs, leaning at the approximate purchase price, 2800 €.
It will be followed by other versions, with windows, equipment or for my next project, about which no information is disclosed. It will be exciting!
To install this mod, you have to download the .zip file and slide easily into your mods folder – already the tent at the store branded Lanco can be purchased.
The modification must not be changed or re-uploaded. A distribution on websites or forums may only be done via the Modhosterlink, but not via a direct download – #RespectforModders
It would be really happy if this and / or one of the following tents are seen in a video on Youtube, as I said – the possibilities are endless!