Sosnovka restart with a difference V 1.0 FunVersion! Beta MOD

Here I have for you the Sosnovka Map differently!

What is needed?
Gold Add-On

What is different?
In primarily there are of course only three savegames of light and heavy, and not as one of you certainly expect the Map (sorry)

So what’s nu differently?
The map has been changed at the restart there are already equal to newly planted trees.
(Needle & Laub) everywhere distributed on the map, and small to medium forest areas have been created.
All fields are free ferfügbar therefore equal belong to you and can be Bewirtschaffftet immediately.
Likewise, all the fields have been revised or extended or Enlarged and Bäumbestände’ve removed under way.
There are also quite a few greenhouses available.

Why the whole?

The strange idea has sprung from my savegame and made ??therefore no longer a lot of work ..
Maybe yes has the one or other use for it.
Just out the reason because you do not feel to expand all the fields to plow them.
Or Mühsehlig Nadelbäüme to plant .. or whatever

How do I insert a savegame?
The savegames can be found for example. under the following path: C: \ Users \ xxx \ Documents \ My Games \ FarmingSimulator2015
Copy There savegame .. If ever Savgame (slot) with the No. 20 can be present this figure also arbitrarily from 1-20 change depending on which slot is still free.

Should the wiklich may need jemmand and has an error discovered then just send me a message.
Have fun when you restart the vodka Map


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